Contact us
We’re open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except Bank Holidays) and you can get in touch with us the way that suits you:
If it’s easier, you can fill in the form. It may take up to 48 hours to receive a response to the form, so if it is more urgent than that, please call us during office hours or dial 999 in the case of a medical emergency.
Live chat
If you need help outside of these times, you can still call our number where you can leave us a message, request a call-back or get further information on where to go for immediate help. If it’s a medical emergency, please call 999.
Contact Details
- 0300 300 7000
Get In Touch
Please fill out the following form fields and a member of staff will be in touch
"*" indicates required fields
Face-to-face: information, advice and support
We’re happy to arrange to meet you where you feel comfortable.
Let a member of the team know where works and we can come to you, or you can drop in or get in touch to
make an appointment to meet at one of our totally open access locations
7 St Andrews Place CARDIFF CF10 3BE
9:30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
218 Cowbridge Rd CARDIFF CF51GX
9am to 5pm Monday to Sunday (7 days a week)
2-10 Holton Road BARRY CF63 4HD
10am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
We are open from
9 – 5 Mon – Thurs
9 – 4:30 Fri
Y Lanfa
St Clair Court
West Bute Street
CF10 5EN
Please contact CYP SPOC No: 07928 682552
Needle and syringe provision and Naloxone kits, advice on reducing your risks and wound care
Available Locations
98 Neville Street CARDIFF CF11 6LS
2-10 Holton Road BARRY CF63 4HD
Opening times
9:30am to 3pm at Neville Street
9:30am to 4pm at Holton Road
Monday to Friday

Drop-in recovery hub
Drop in to our open-access hub in Cardiff city centre to get support and meet others in our recovery community.
It’s a friendly, confidential space where you can talk about whatever is on your mind with others, including peer support groups. Plus, there are regular and wide-ranging social activities (link to timetable) available both online and in person.
Drop in any Thursday between (insert times) at St John’s Church, St John Street, CARDIFF CF10 1GL – or contact us for more information