How we can help your patient or client

How we can help your patient or client

We run harm reduction services; offer tailored support and treatment programmes; have specialist teams for children and young people and the over-50s and to support family and friends. And we run education, awareness and training sessions for professionals as well as the general public.

CAVDAS is both a direct access and a referral service. You can either pass our contact details to your patient or client to get in touch themselves, or you can refer them to us directly.

Dropping in is the quickest way to get started on your recovery journey. You may want to make a small change or a big change and speaking to our highly trained staff will help you to make that decision.

The first thing we will need to do is understand your circumstances and this will allow us to tailor your treatment pathway. This is done with either a brief assessment or in a lot of situations we will complete a comprehensive assessment.

If you are unable to attend in person, we can arrange for someone to contact you over the phone, we can also come to you.


If you are a professional and you are looking to refer someone in you can do so by getting in touch online or picking up the phone to speak to a member of staff. They will take the individuals details and contact them to arrange for them to come in to talk through their needs. Alternatively, you can ask the individual to drop in.


Cardiff RAPS (Rapid Access Prescribing Service) is a service for those experiencing entrenched homelessness that we run on behalf of Cardiff Council MDT (Multiagency Disciplinary Team).

It provides substitute opiate prescribing places, including the option of Buvidal (long-acting buprenorphine injection) Clinical services include substitute prescribing for opiate dependence, harm reduction initiatives including the provision of take-home Naloxone; family planning and sexual health screening; Blood Born Virus testing and referral on to specialist support.

Referrals can be made by any organisation or service via Cardiff Council MDT (insert contact details). Once a referral is made, the individual is assessed by a case worker, a nurse and a doctor before a prescription is given.

We also then offer service-users tailored and wide-ranging support to help them overcome their substance use and increase their motivation and provide support to address wider social and health issues.

Treatment is individualised via personal recovery care planning and regular clinical assessment and reviews.

To access any of these services they need to present as Homeless (rough sleeping/ hostel resident) and complete an MDT referral with a professional.
-MDT counselling
-Rapid Access Prescribing Service
-MDT Substance use workers